Javadoc and other sources of information for developers ======================================================= Developers can find information about the internals of Tapenade from other sources: - Tapenade API documentation `./gradlew devdocker` generates this developer documentation and the [Tapenade API documentation](../build/packages) from the javadoc comments. - Tapenade complete Javadoc implementation documentation `./gradlew alljavadoc` generates the documentation from the Javadoc comments of all classes and members in [tapenade/build/docs/implementation/index.html](../../implementation/index.html). - Run Tapenade with command-line option `-dump `. This dumps the Internal Representation of the source, the results of data-flow analysis, and the Internal Representation of the differentiated code. This dump can illustrate what we describe in [representation/](../src/main/java/fr/inria/tapenade/representation/, [representation/](../src/main/java/fr/inria/tapenade/representation/, and [analysis/](../src/main/java/fr/inria/tapenade/analysis/ Further options can be used to refine, focus, or augment this dump: ``` -dumpunit -dumpCallGraph -dumpSymbolTables -dumpDiffSymbolTables -dumpFlowGraphs -dumpDiffFlowGraphs -dumpZones -dumpDataFlow -dumpInOut -dumpPointers -dumpDeps ``` - Run Tapenade with command-line option: ``` -traceParserC -traceInputIL -traceXXX , where -traceXXX is one of -traceFlowGraphBuild -traceTypeCheck -tracePointer -traceInOut -traceDeps -traceADDeps -traceActivity` -traceReqExplicit -traceDiffLiveness -traceTBR -traceDifferentiation -traceTreeGen ``` Tapenade will then write on standard output a detailled trace of the corresponding operation on the given *unit-names*.