InFunction ========== .. java:package:: fr.inria.tapenade.representation :noindex: .. java:type:: final class InFunction Inline a function declared in Tapenade libraries. Fields ------ callingInstruction ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:field:: protected Instruction callingInstruction :outertype: InFunction copiedUnit ^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:field:: protected final Unit copiedUnit :outertype: InFunction inlinedUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:field:: protected final Unit inlinedUnit :outertype: InFunction rank ^^^^ .. java:field:: protected int rank :outertype: InFunction Constructors ------------ InFunction ^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:constructor:: protected InFunction(Unit inF, Tree callTree, Instruction callInstruction, Tree lhs, WrapperTypeSpec[] actualArgsTypes) :outertype: InFunction Prepares a sort of copy of the body of an inlininable function, used to actually replace the inlinable call in the calling Unit. :param inF: the definition unit of the inlinable function :param callTree: the inlinable call in the calling Unit (may be an assignment) :param callInstruction: the Instruction that contains the inlinable call :param lhs: when callTree is an assignment, its LHS, otherwise null. :param actualArgsTypes: used to precise the functionTypeSpec using the actual call types Methods ------- allBlocks ^^^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: protected TapList allBlocks() :outertype: InFunction replaceAllIdent ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: public static void replaceAllIdent(Tree tree, Tree oldTree, Tree newTree) :outertype: InFunction oldTree et newTree sont des arbres atomiques. replaceAllVariables ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: protected Tree replaceAllVariables(Block block, SymbolTable futureUsageSymbolTable, SymbolTable futureDeclSymbolTable) :outertype: InFunction toString ^^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: @Override public String toString() :outertype: InFunction