.. java:import:: java.io IOException CallGraphPrinter ================ .. java:package:: fr.inria.tapenade.prettyprint :noindex: .. java:type:: final class CallGraphPrinter extends Printer Class providing primitives to write a CallGraph in a HTML file. Constructors ------------ CallGraphPrinter ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. java:constructor:: protected CallGraphPrinter(String filename) throws IOException :outertype: CallGraphPrinter :param filename: the name of the file in which the HTML code will be written. Methods ------- bullet ^^^^^^ .. java:method:: public void bullet() throws IOException :outertype: CallGraphPrinter Write a bullet in the HTML file. closeList ^^^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: public void closeList() throws IOException :outertype: CallGraphPrinter Write in the HTML file a markup which closes a list. newLine ^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: @Override public void newLine() throws IOException :outertype: CallGraphPrinter Print a new line in the HTML file. openList ^^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: public void openList() throws IOException :outertype: CallGraphPrinter Write in the HTML file a markup which opens a list. printText ^^^^^^^^^ .. java:method:: @Override public void printText(String text, String kind) throws IOException :outertype: CallGraphPrinter Print text in the HTML file. :param text: the text to print. :param kind: (not used). space ^^^^^ .. java:method:: @Override public void space(int nbSpaces) throws IOException :outertype: CallGraphPrinter Print nbSpaces white spaces in the HTML file.